28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart
Stuck sucks. Let’s face it, no matter how you’re stuck or why you’re stuck, it saps your energy, zaps your creativity, and leaves you feeling out of control.
You’ve achieved so much in business and that’s no accident. You’re a successful go-getter. A master problem-solver. You’re able to make things happen and meet everyone’s needs…except your own.
And when you get stuck, you feel like you’re sinking in quicksand with no one to give you a hand. You:
- feel overwhelmed and out of control
- are stressed-out, frustrated, and down
- battle with brain fog
- struggle to make decisions and
- cope in ways that do you harm, leaving you overweight, self-medicated, or isolated.
After a while, you start to feel demoralized…
And you ask yourself, “How did I get here? I wasn’t always stuck…”
If only there was a way to break free…
The answer may be closer than you think. You can FREE YOURSELF – get unstuck, take control of your life, and manage your weight, your relationships, and your time – all without making drastic, ridiculous, impossible changes. No matter what your story’s been so far, you can break free.
What if you’re not the problem…you’re not a failure… and there’s actually nothing wrong with you at all?
What if all you need is a system, a fully stocked toolbox, a solid roadmap, and a great mechanic?
I developed the 28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart for one reason: feeling stuck is a problem that everyone faces at some point in their lives, yet no one teaches the skills to handle these ‘sticky’ situations confidently and successfully.
There are many models of change in the psychological sciences and the business world, but where are the systems to easily apply them so you can action? Ask anyone who’s stuck what it would be worth to them to get out of their rut, and the answer is almost always, “it’s priceless.” There’s so much desire to break free, and so little guidance.
Enter the 28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart…
I’ve spent the last 25 years counseling, coaching and mentoring people to get moving – out of idle and into 4-wheel drive so they can scale mountains and strive to reach the peak. Working with hundreds of savvy, smart and successful business owners, executives, and high achievers, I’ve built the system that teaches the tools for successful change.
Are you:
- determined to control your life instead of it controlling you
- ready to take charge if you’re just given the tools, direction, and guidance
- open to new ideas and willing to take a new approach to running your life that will bring different, positive, and exciting results
- tired of the treadmill of overcommitment and the blur of overwhelm
- an action-oriented, problem solver who just needs a jumpstart
Well …
Imagine for a moment how incredible it would feel to actively create the life you want?
What would your quality of life be like if you woke up each day clear-headed, focused, grounded, and self-directed – able to set and keep boundaries with yourself and others?
Wouldn’t it feel simply amazing to know that you have plenty of choices and you’re in control of your actions?
The 28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart can get you on the road to freedom.
Here’s How You Can Benefit …
This course teaches proven methods and offers a step-by-step program to get unstuck now and stay unstuck forever.
In it, you will …
- determine your destination
- identify roadblocks
- fill your toolbox to handle challenges
- map your route and
- launch your new lifestyle
Armed with these tools and 6 sessions of support in the 28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart, you’ll graduate …
- Stocked with a full toolbox you can use repeatedly in every stuck situation so you can get unstuck now and stay unstuck forever
- Looking forward to challenges, knowing that you have the tools to tackle them
- Able to meet change with grace and ease – even if it’s change you didn’t ask for and don’t want.
- Ready to regain your confidence and, with it, your freedom – Fast!
- On course with a game plan to stop struggling and start living a balanced, happy life
- Already moving forward instead of going in circles
- Treating yourself well and making great choices everyday, without a struggle
You’ll learn the most potent and practical methods and insights to get you moving and keep it that way.
The only problem you really have is a lack of sufficient skills to dig out of the rut you’ve gotten into. That’s what this program is meant to solve.
The next 28-Day Unstuck Jumpstart class has not yet been scheduled, but will be shortly.
Fill out the form below to receive ‘Tidbits’ and advanced notice about the next offering or to arrange for private coaching.

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